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Home Assistant notifications

Notifications and actionable notifications are an integral part of Home Assistant. Sending Notifications to a particular receiver can be done via the Notify service.

var services = new Services(ha);
services.Notify.MobileApp("Test message");

Sending an actionable event involves sending a bit more data and responding to a specific event. The example below is written with anonymous objects for brevity, but can be made type-safe using custom types.

var services = new Services(ha);
ha.Events.Where(e => e.EventType == "mobile_app_notification_action")
.Subscribe(e =>
logger.LogInformation("Received event" + e.DataElement.ToString());

"hallo", data:
new {
actions = new []
new {
action = "ALARM",
title = "Sound Alarm",

It is advisable to use a more unique action value as per the Home Assistant documentation.