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Registry API

The Registry API let you handle entities, floors, areas, labels and devices in Home Assistant.


This is an beta feature and you need version 24.20.0 or later of NetDaemon to use it. It will be released evenutally in a stable version but expext the API to change before release. The docs will be updated with more examples and details when the API is stable.

To use the new API you need to inject the new IHaRegistry interface in your app.

See the example app below for how to use the new API:

public sealed class RegistryApp
public RegistryApp(IHaRegistry haRegistry)
var floor = haRegistry.GetFloor("upstairs");
var upstairsAreas = floor.Areas;
var upstairsBooleans = upstairsAreas
.SelectMany(n => n.Entities
.Where(x => x.EntityId.StartsWith("input_boolean.")));

upstairsBooleans.ToList().ForEach(x => x.CallService("toggle"));

You can also use the newly added properties in the ServiceTarget class to target floor, areas, labels and devices in your service calls. We will eventually make a nicer API for this but for now you can use the ServiceTarget class directly.

public sealed class TestServiceTargetApp
public TestServiceTargetApp(IHaContext ha)
ha.CallService("input_boolean", "toggle", new ServiceTarget{ FloorIds = ["upstairs"] });