Example app
This application shows basic capabilities of the HassModel API of NetDaemon. It has a single file ExampleApp.cs
that contains the app logic. This example uses the code generation capability of HassModel explained here.
using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using NetDaemon.AppModel;
using NetDaemon.HassModel;
using HomeAssistantGenerated;
public class ExampleAppHaContext
public ExampleAppHaContext(IHaContext ha)
var entities = new Entities(ha);
.Where(e => e.New.IsOn())
.Subscribe(_ =>entities.Light.Office.TurnOn());
The NetDaemonAppAttribute
By decorating a class with the NetDaemonAppAttribute
it is registered as an application to be loaded by NetDaemon.
NetDaemon will create a helper in Home Assistant. By default, the helper is named:
Environment | Name |
Development | dev_netdaemon_{namespace}_appname |
Production | netdaemon_{namespace}_appname |
The app name will be converted to snake casing (i.e: HelloWorld -> hello_world)
When you want to choose your own name you can make use of the Id parameter like:
[NetDaemonApp(Id = "appname")]
Netdaemon will replace {namespace}_appname with your given Id
The constructor
public ExampleAppHaContext(IHaContext ha)
When the application is (re-)started a new instance of the class is created by calling its constructor. This constructor will receive constructor arguments by using the standard .NET dependency injection mechanism. In this example the constructor receives an IHaContext interface which provides basic methods for interacting with Home Assistant.
The constructor can be used to do initialization of your application. Never block the constructor! Typically here you configure what should happen when a state changes or run a function every minute for example. If you need to do asynchronous initialization of your application this can be done by implementing IAsyncInitializable
var entities = new Entities(ha);
.Where(e => e.New.IsOn())
.Subscribe(_ => entities.Light.Office.TurnOn());
Function | Description |
new Entities(ha) | Creates an Instance of the generated Entities class that provides strongly typed access to all your HA entities |
entities.BinarySensor.OfficeMotion | Selects the binary_sensor.office_motion entity from Home Assistant |
StateChanges() | Respond to changes of the state of this motion sensor |
Where | FIlter which state changes we are interested in, int this case when the sensor state becomes 'on' |
Subscribe | Calls any code/action when the criteria is met |
TurnOff() | Turns off the lights in the office using another generated entity and a generated service method |
Creating and updating Home Assistant entities
If you want to create entities from NetDaemon, set their state attributes, then check out the MQTT Entity Manager documentation
Real-world example apps
Please check out the apps being developed for NetDaemon. Since documentation is still lacking behind it would be best to look at real code 😊
User | Description |
@helto4real | Tomas NetDaemon apps running in production (V4) |
@FrankBakkerNl | HassModel examples by Frank the author of HassModel API |
@Kennetjuh | Kennetjuh's NetDaemon implementation (V5) |
@vinnie1234 | Vincent's NetDaemon implementation (V5) |
@leosperry | Leonard's NetDaemon implementation (V3) |
@pockybum522 | David's NetDaemon apps as used Daily (V4) |
@philippch | Philipp's apartment automated by NetDaemon (V4) |
Third party libraries
The following libraries work well together with NetDaemon.
GitHub and NuGet | Description | Contributor(s) |
NetDaemon.Extensions.Observables (NuGet) | Collection of extension methods meant to enhance NetDaemon entities with stateful and boolean observables allowing for a more intuitive and robust coding experience. | @DevJasperNL |