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Visual Studio

Visual studio on Windows host os

Visual Studio 2019 community or newer is recommended. You need to have dotnet 5 installed. Download .NET 5 here or check the minimal version of Visual Studio supported.

Fork and clone your net-daemon/netdaemon.


The debugging can be pointed to the exampleapps folder. please turn off the entity generation by "generate_entities": false.

Setup the configuration

Setup the environment vars

Easiest is to setup environment varables for your Home Assistant instance in the host. The HOMEASSISTANT__HOST, HOMEASSISTANT__TOKEN is required to debug. You may have to restart Visual Studio after setting the environment vars.

Environment variableDescription
HOMEASSISTANT__TOKENToken secret to access the HA instance
HOMEASSISTANT__HOSTThe ip or hostname of HA
HOMEASSISTANT__PORTThe port of home assistant (defaults to 8123 if not specified)
NETDAEMON__GENERATEENTITIESGenerate entities, recommed set false unless debugging
NETDAEMON__APPSOURCEThe folder/project/dll where it will find daemon. Set this to empty "" to debug apps local. If needed to debug the dynamic source compilation, set to /workspaces/netdaemon/Service/apps

Use src/Service/apps as starting point to debug your stuff!

## Visual studio using containers

Will be supported at a later time